Rev. Michael Z. Kovsky, BCA, BCT, Reiki

Sebastopol Craniosacral Therapist, Manual Therapy

West Sonoma County Bio dynamic Craniosacral Therapy 

Sessions Cost: Sliding Scale, (~100) plus tip

Michael had completed advanced graduate studies in Osteopathic Cranio, and is certified in Biodynamic Cranial Approach (BCA), Bio Dynamic Cranial Touch (BCT), Touch of Presence(tm), and Reiki, as well offering trainings in a new therapy called NCMR: "Neuro-Cortical Muscular Re-patterning" .  His work bridges traditional tension release methods with breath, enhancing the soma and supporting the fascia network to release, and the liquid systems of the body to flush, resulting in less inflammation, and a soft and supplicant limber body, with the bone positions spontaneously returning to the best-possible alignment.  An effective cranial session, is when the client releases the stress structure, and enters a new brainwave, and from that reaches 'primary respiration', whereby the client's innate regeneration response is restored. 

Offices in Petaluma

Contact Rev. Michael Z. Kovsky, BCA BCT EFT:

"When I practice craniosacral sessions, I use biodynamic unwinding, and stillness orientation while maintaining contact with the head and feet, to release tension and help open my clients to the pure breath.  I was ordained as a minister in 2010, and have been practicing Reiki, "laying on of hands", and various Cranio therapies for the last 12 years. My mission is to help people relax and let go of stress." After finishing my apprenticeship and mentorship certification in the School of Dynamic Stillness in 2018, I am now part of a graduate studies program in the Touch of Presence school. I have been interested in healing and bodywork from an early age and so appreciate getting to share this healing gift!"

Pure presence, to unwind body and mind.